Au House
A realm separate from the smp where branching aus of characters can be put together for interactions. The entire 'house' is managed by an ai referred to as Bear AI along with the contributions of small creatures referred to as clowns.Characters are given defining names by the Bear to help tell each other apart in conversation, rather than dealing with everyone having the same name.
Table of Contents

Hunter is the Swarm followed in the friendlypear smp, set in the story after Scallion regained their memories. This is the peak of Swarm and Scallion's hatred for each other.
Hunter is aggressive and is always in a mental state of survival, they are quick to provoke into a fight. They distrust others, find it difficult to reconnect with friends, and generally just does not have it together.

Ghost is from a universe where they fail to kill Scallion, who did not die prior to this Swarm's return from the snowlands. Ghost was decapitated and returned as a headless ghost, their hood kept up to shadow them. They very rarely talked as it was difficult for them to do so. They only recently got their head back, allowing them to talk freely except for the occasional fits of coughing up blood.
In this universe Ghost is friends with Mare. Their situation leaves Ghost slightly disconnected from reality, they are more likely to speak or act on thoughts without considering consequences.

Space's universe is set years in the future from the others. After being back in the village for a while, this Swarm eventually left, taking an offer from Maxwell to join their space crew. They traveled through space for a few years, getting a chance to let go of the things that had been burdening them and figuring themself out in this new environment (and even getting together with that charming alien sheep). After some time Space decided to visit the village, and is trying to patch things up with the way they acted to the village people, especially to how they treated Scallion in their vulnerable state.
This Swarm is much calmer, and looks more to stop an issue instead of getting into a fight. They feel a heavy weight of guilt now that they are no longer angry at Scallion, but they're trying to mend things. Space has rediscovered their curiosity for the world around them and is quick to ask about anything they've noticed.

Plant is from a role swap and species swap universe, this Swarm is taking the place and species that Scallion normally would in the smp. As a little plant growing in a pot they grew a love for bees and themed their appearance after it. Plant also produces an excessive amount of sticky sap, which they would use to trap small animals they found interesting and display them in the mansion. When they first met Scallion they found the enderman interesting and toyed around with them, considering Scallion as part of their 'collection'. But when they were killed and revived without their memories, Scallion chose to help them, giving them a second chance in life.
Plant has since regained their memories, and wants to be a better person. This Swarm is energetic and playful, finding conflict between their both childish and morbid natures, and their desires to 'be normal'. Plant is impulsive, and can often be waved off as dumb in some cases from their lack of understanding normal social cues, but they can actually be quite observant when it comes down to it.

Normal's universe is an altered role swap, Scallion's original role is taken by Slancher (named Slanchain in this universe), but other roles are not necessarily swapped. In this universe Normal's village survives being attacked and this Swarm is never trapped in their cave, though they did not make it out of the attack unscathed.
This Swarm is a little awkward but otherwise very kind and caring. They consider themself good friends with Scallion, even if they are often stressed over how much danger Scallion is in all the time.

Villain is role swapped with Scallion in this universe. This Swarm did not get trapped in their cave, instead they were the sole survivor of their village. After such an event Villain turned to harming others, believing that the world is cruel and unforgiving, hurt others before they hurt you. Villain uses the plant that follows them around as a glorified backpack, only keeping it alive for their personal use.
Villain is apathetic, quickly pushing away any thought of forming connections with anyone. They are cruel and drag down those that get in their way, burning the bridges as they go.

Og is very different from the other Swarms. Their universe in fact has no connection to the smp, as the Swarm in the smp is actually an au of this one, making this Swarm the true Original. In their universe, Og lives in a village of various monsters, the adopted child of a phantom who runs a library. They often struggle with being the only bee in the village, but refuses to acknowledge how othered they truly feel.
Og has a very confident personality, easily chatting with others and making themself the center of attention. They often behave like they care little about what others think of them and just do their own thing instead. For the very few that get to know Og and meet them outside of the eyes of the larger public, it becomes clear that Og's extroverted personality is very much a mask. When hidden away in the library Og surprisingly makes little effort to keep conversation or remain outwardly expressive.